Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"Parallel Road from Atchison to Limestone Creek in Jewell Co.  The Atchison and Cherry Creek Bridge and Ferry Company wished to establish a direct route from Atchison to the Western Kansas "Gold Fields".  With this in view they laid out the Parallel road to the west closely following the first standard parallel across Kansas, approximately 30°40".  This road enters near the Southwest corner of Republic County and follows near the south edge of Norway Township.  It runs very close to Norway Village which is three miles from the south boundary.  From very earliest times Meade's Ford crossed the river about a mile and a half south of the west end of the present river bridge and it seems very probable that the ford may have been in use long before any settlers came.  The standard parallel is a few miles south of the parallel road route in this section.  The company surveying this road found no interval of ten miles without wood, water, rich soil and luxurious grass.  All west of the Republican the grass becomes shorter but still thick and nutritious."  We have already seen that Pike came through Republic County and we have a marker of national interest within its boundaries.

Taken from E. D. Boyd's account in our early Kansas newspapers.

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