Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Mr. and Mrs. George Sutton came to Norway thirty-five years ago.  He was track foreman for a number of years on the Missouri Pacific Road.  Gladys Stanley Sutton, born 1890 was the daughter of John and Mary Stanley.  George Sutton, born in 1886, was the son of John and Elle Sutton.  They came to Norway from Concordia.

Mr. and Mrs. Sutton reared three sons and one daughter, Ruth, who married Dale Logedon.  They have two daughters and one son; Diane, Joyce and Jerry.  They live in Valley Falls, Kansas.  Clarence Leroy, who made the supreme sacrifice for his country (1944) in Germany during World War II.  Wayne married Mary Holgerson - two sons, Dick, deceased, and Warren who is in school.  They live on a farm southwest of Norway; and James, a veteran of World War II, now enlisted in the Marines and stationed in Japan.  He married LaVone Humpfeld.  There is one son, James Douglas.  Mrs. Sutton and James Douglas live in Woodland Park, Colorado with her mother.

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