Sunday, December 5, 2010


The last Indian Lodge in Norway Township was about two years before the bridge was built in 1887, which would be 1885.  The Indians came up from the south on New Year's Day.  They had been on the east side of the river west of Andrew Gudmund's place and now went into camp about a hundred yards north of where the bridge now is.  There were about fifteen, four old squaws, five or six men, beside of Chief Cob-a-Haw.  Also a few children from six to eleven years old.

They had three old rattle-trap wagons.  One had four or five hogs that had died of cholera and were frozen and intact including the hair.  Alfa and I went with Uncle Lide to see the Indians.  They had about a half hog cooking in a big kettle--hide and all.  We didn't stay to eat.  Alfa said we better go home and do the chores.

Written by LaRoy Scott of Manhattan, Kansas

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