Friday, November 5, 2010


William Edward Brewer came to Kansas and Norway Township in 1886 from Oklahoma were he had worked as a carpenter.  He was born in Ohio in 1860 and after coming to Kansas, he spent the rest of his life here with the exception of a short time in Cloud County and three years in Missouri.  His parents were John and Delilah Blair Brewer.

In 1897 William E. Brewer was married to Minnie May Dutton, daughter of Henry and Lucy Dickerhoof Dutton.  They reared a family of six children.  One daughter was deceased in infancy and Clarence deceased at the age of two years in 1920.  Mary, born February 1900, deceased at 1939; Eva born1903, married Bernard Sponberg.  They live in Palm Desert, California and are retired department store owners and operators.  Lucy born 1905, married Edward J. Schultz.  Lucy is a secretary and he is a carpenter.  Ada born 1908 lives on a farm, Route 2, Concordia, Kansas.  William H. born 1910, married Belva E. Doyan born 1916, the daughter of Desire' and Elizabeth Vignery Doyen of Rice, Kansas.  William H. is a farmer and Belva E. is postmaster at Norway, Kansas.  They live in Norway.  Belva is of Belgian descent.  Harry E. born 1913 married Irene Beulah Nelson, daughter of Frank and Bernice French Nelson.  They have one son, David.  Harry E. and Irene Brewer are farmers and live on Route 2, Concordia, Kansas.

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