Monday, November 22, 2010


Rasmus Rimol was born in Trondhjeim in Norway Europe in 1837.  He lived there with his parents until he was 18 and received a good education.  He was an only child.  His parents then moved to their farm and Rasmus worked there until it was time to go into military training.

Later he came to America and to Chicago.  Two years later he came to Junction City, Kansas by rail and then to Norway Township at the age of 32.  In 1869 he filed on a quarter section of land - SW4 in Sec. 27.  He was the first permanent settler in Norway Township and his son Nels was the first white child born in the Township.

There were twelve children in the Lehn family in Trondhjeim and five of these children, Kyrsti, Brynhild, Anne, Rasmus and Sivert, came to Norway Township and filed on homesteads near Ramsus Rimol.

Anne married Rasmus Rimol, and Brynhild married Martin Hammerstead.  Anne Rimol, Brynhild Hammerstead and Cecelie Lehn all died in the early typhoid fever epidemic.  They left five little ones--all less than four years old and two of these tiny babies.  Kyrsti Lehn took these children and cared for them until they were older and their homes were again ready for them.

Kyrsti Lehn later married Rasmus Rimol.  Nels, Bertha and Brynhild were Anne Rimol's children, and Anna and John were Krysti Rimol's children.

Rasmus Lehn's children were Joe, Randy and Bernt.  Martin and Brynhild Hammerstead had one daughter.  These families were all charter members of the Norway Lutheran Church, and Rasmus Rimol was its first secretary.  He was a member of Belleville Odd Fellows Lodge and was County Commissioner from his district for nine years.  Mr. Rimol died in 1907 at the age of 69 years.  Mrs. Rimol died at the age of 63 years.

Rasmus Lehn gave two and one half acres from his homestead in SW4 Sec. 27 for the Pioneer Valley Cemetery.

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