Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Nelse Peter Hanson was born in Randers, Denmark in 1857; his wife Karen Maria Martensen in Hansom, Denmark in 1854; their daughter Lana, in Noilbrakes, Denmark in 1881; and Nelse Christian, in Lendum in 1885.

Mr. Hanson, who was an expert blacksmith and wheelwright, was married in 1880 and came to Jamestown, Kansas from Denmark in 1886.  His wife soon followed him.  During a period of thirteen years they lived in Jamestown, Mankato and Norway.  While in Norway he built a home and a shop on the two lots now owned by Dr. Rimol just north of the present post office.  Mr. Hanson's health was not good.  He decided to go back to Denmark in Europe and sold this property to Nels Rimol.

In 1895 he again came back to America to Hartford, Connecticut, where he was foreman in some of the best shops in Hartford.  While there his small son, Sigfred, eleven, as drowned in the Connecticut River.

They went to Iowa for awhile, then came back to Norway where he again built a home and a blacksmith shop.  Mr. and Mrs. Hanson spent the rest of their lives in Norway.

Mrs. Hanson was an accomplished carpet and rug weaver, and there were few homes at that time that did not use her rugs and carpets.

Two children were born in America, Sigfred and Sophia.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson reared one son and two daughters.  Nelse Christan also a blacksmith in Norway.  Deceased in 1950.  Lena Morrow, in Los Angeles and Sophia Betourney deceased in 1961.  Christian's first wife died in Connecticut.  He was married in 1942 to Hazel Brumidge of Beloit, Kansas.

Mr. Nels Hanson died in 1929 and Mrs. Hanson in 1938.

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