Hans Jensen, son of Nelse and Marian Jensen, was born October 31, 1887 near Jamestown, Kansas. He was married at Jamestown in 1912 to Minda Olsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Olsen of Norway, Europe. One of twelve children, she was born in 1892 and attended school in Norway, Europe.
When she was fifteen years old she decided to come to America. She came over on the steamship Oscar II, came alone and knew no one when she boarded the ship. The fare from Norway, Europe to Norway, Kansas was less than $100, including the food.
About twenty girls like herself were on board and all with the same intention of finding work in America. Most were sponsored by relatives and were bound for many different states.
The girls had a wonderful trip to America. All young, all happy and going to a wonderful country.
Hans and Minda Jensen lived for the first two years at Hollis, Kansas, then moved to Cloud County and their own farm. The farm was annexed to District 93 in Republic County and then to Consolidated No. 3 at Norway. Their children went first to District 93, and then to consolidated No. 3. Mr. Jensen died May 28, 1943. Mrs. Jensen continued to live on the farm, but for the last two years has lived in Norway.
Mr. and Mrs. Jensen reared eight children. The children and their families are Helen Mabel, 3 children and 1 deceased; Julius Nelse, 7 children; Lawrence Myron, 4 children; Rose Mae, 5 children; Ruth Louise, 4 children and 1 deceased; Mary Helen, 3 children; Charles Hans, 4 children; Melvin Dean, 5 children; There are 35 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. John Engebretsen came to America from Norway in Europe. They had a farm in Section No. 3. They adopted a son, Oscar, born in 1892. He now lives, Superior, Nebraska. Mrs. Victor Herrman and Mrs. Hans Jensen were grand nieces of Mr. Engebretsen, and came to his home when they first arrived in America.
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